If you are looking into the option of adoption, but wondering how adoptive families are chosen, give us a call today! We understand how important it is to know your child is with the right family. You can decide who your baby is placed with and we have many wonderful waiting families to be chosen from.

Below you will find photos, videos and letters from our current waiting families!

Dear Birthmother, 

We are Lauren and Chris. We know that we haven’t met you yet, but we are already so thankful for you. We can’t begin to express our gratitude that you are reading this letter and getting to know us. You, your health, mind, and happiness are in our prayers each and every day. 

We both grew up in North Texas, and we began dating in 2016 while we were both in college in Arkansas. Shortly after we began dating we figured out we grew up not to far away from each other and regularly played at the same park as children. We truly believe our paths were meant to cross. We got married at a local chapel on a beautiful December day in 2020. Our marriage is full of love, laughter, and trips to Disney World and the beach. We also have a spoiled German Shepherd mix named Ramsey. She always keeps us on her toes and loves being around her human cousins. 

To view Chris & Laurens book click here

 Lauren loves working with kids as a speech pathologist at an elementary school. Kids gravitate towards her and she cares for them as if they were her own. Lauren is nurturing, caring, and has the biggest heart. She will be a great mother because she is such a great wife, and friend.

Chris always puts others before himself and would give away the shirt off of his back without hesitation. He is goofy and spontaneous and loves spending time with family and close friends that have become family. Chris is such a light and is the epitome of 1 Corinthians 4-7. He is patient and so kind. He puts his heart into everything that he does. Chris is a middle school and highschool football coach. He takes care of his players as individuals first and the sport second. His students love him and it is evident. He is going to be an amazing father.

We promise to love your child, nurture them, and provide them with a safe home. We promise to always show them and make sure they know that they are so incredibly special. We also promise to make sure they know how much you love them and how amazing you are. We will raise them as children of God and they will know His love. They will also be cherished by our family and friends who are eagerly anticipating their arrival.


Lauren and Chris

Dear Birth Parents, thank you for considering us as a potential family for your baby! We are Sean and Jeanette, high school sweethearts who have been married since 2010 and have 3 amazing children. Sean works in property management and real estate, and Jeanette is a stay-at-home mom with an online business reselling antique and vintage treasures.

To view Sean and Jeanette’s photo book click here!

We are dedicated to giving our children enjoyable childhoods full of good memories and teaching them life skills that they will need to be successful later. We prioritize being connected with a strong family-oriented church and teaching our children about God and his love for us. We home school and attend a weekly co-op.

Our family enjoys reading books together, playing board games and traveling. A highlight of our year is our annual trip to the mountains of North Carolina. We also frequently visit Granny and Grumpy’s ranch and take other trips with the kids. We nearly always have a membership to a zoo or aquarium.

To see Sean and Jeanette’s video click here!

Jeanette loves painting murals, doing crafts and planning themed birthday parties with fun homemade cakes. She also cooks most meals at home and enjoys finding delicious and healthy recipes. Sean is incredibly handy and built the kids an amazing fort in the backyard. He and the boys love to wrestle and run around together.

We would love to provide your precious baby with a fun home with parents who love each other, three amazing siblings to grow up with and the sweetest doggie friend. We will be praying for you in this time of difficult decisions.

Love in Christ,
Sean, Jeanette, Flynn, Titus & Annora

Hello there! We are Josh and Amy.

We live in the wonderful Texas Hill Country that is full of history, beauty, and adventure. Josh and I have been married for almost 13 years now and it’s been a whirlwind of fun. We just built and moved into a simple home located on 11 acres out in the county and have enjoyed the new adventures we have been blessed to experience. We like to call it our little piece of heaven. A few of our favorite things about living on our ranchette is how peaceful it is, the breathtaking sunsets, our mini cows, and the stars at night!

We have one daughter who is 10. Her name is Kayleigh and she is so loving, kind, and smart. She has asked to be a big sister for so long and asks almost daily if we know anything. She will be over the moon excited when we are blessed and with out a doubt she will be an amazing big sister. Kayleigh loves music, softball, showing sheep in 4H, jumping on the trampoline, and playing in the sprinklers.

Josh and I both serve the community through our jobs and enjoy our calling. Josh is a full time lineman for the local electric co-op for over 20 years and a Captain in the Volunteer Fire Department. I, Amy, work full time for the Fire Department as a Firefighter Paramedic in our town and have grown up in this department. This year I completed my Batchlors degree and hope to maybe start my Masters in the fall! To be able to help people in their lowest moments is what it’s all about while giving back and serving the community we have grown up in. We are very grateful for our department family and our small town community who have show us support for us in so many ways. Both of our families are local and have supported us every step of the way.

To learn more about Josh and Amy click here!

Please let us start by saying thank you for your consideration and trust in us. We promise to love, support and always remain faithful in this journey. After struggling with infertility for the last several years God has guided us down the Adoptions pathway. We have never been more scared of the rejection as well as the fear of the unknown. However, we see the support and strength that has guided us keeps us strong as we continue forward. We know that through him all things are possible and he will never given us more than we can handle.

Dearest Expectant Mother,

We are Mark and Lillian. We are so honored and humbled that you are considering us as adoptive parents. You are already so loved and appreciated by us for being on this difficult journey, and we are praying for you and your precious little one. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility and were unable to conceive for over 4 years, but we strongly believe God has bigger plans for us, which is why He has led us to adoption and you.

We don’t always understand God’s timing, but His timing is perfect. He has graced us with a miracle through IVF, and we are expecting a baby boy at the end of February, which means the world to us. However, God continues to put adoption in our hearts, and we still pray to adopt a baby girl.    

Click Here To Watch A Video Of Mark And Lillian

We cannot wait to love this child, whole-heartedly, and provide them with the most happy, loving, and supportive home.

Click here to see Mark and Lillian’s photo book!

We will always honor your courage, and communicate the love you hold for this little one, should you choose us

With Lots of Love,

Mark & Lillian


Hello Birth Mother!

We are Doug, Laura, and Henry.  Whatever brought you to this page we are so glad you are here!  We have been praying for you and your sweet baby, and know that the decision to place he or she up for adoption was not an easy one to make.

We have been married for more than 13 years and adopted our son 9 years ago from Florida.  He radically changed our life in such an amazing way and we LOVE being parents to him. We thank God every day for him. We live in the suburbs in Texas and are lucky to have so many family members live within a short drive from us.  One of our favorite things to do is spend time with both sets of our parents, our siblings, and Henry’s 6 cousins. We live on a one acre lot and love spending time in our backyard watching Henry swim, jump on the trampoline, and play in his treehouse.

To learn more about Doug, Laura and Henry click here!

Laura has been a stay at home mom since Henry was born and plans to continue doing so until our children are raised.  Laura LOVES being a mom and being involved in all of Henry’s school activities.  Doug has worked at his company for over 10 years and he loves his job.  He’s very fortunate to have a job that has a great work life balance where he doesn’t have to work at night or weekends.  Henry just turned 9 years old and he is a very social kid who loves playing outside with his friends and cousins.  He is VERY excited about becoming a big brother one day!

For fun, we like getting together with family, love going on vacations to the beach and mountains, and just spending time outside with Henry and his friends.  One of our favorite things to do is host friends and family at our house for special occasions like Christmas, birthday parties, and our annual 4th of July fireworks party.  We are also very involved at our local church where we volunteer in the children’s ministry.

Thank you for taking time to read a little about us!  We know God has a wonderful plan for your baby and we would love to be a part of their story!

Doug, Laura, & Henry

Dear brave Birth Mom,

To introduce ourselves, we are Bradley, Alexa, Adalynn and Emelia! Thank you so much for taking the time to learn more about us. Our story began in 2015 on a Texas Honky Tonk dance floor. We bonded over our love for country dancing, live music and our big dreams. We quickly began attending church together and shared our hopes to have a family someday, these conversations included our dream and desire to adopt. We married in 2017 and a few across Texas moves later we were blessed to settle down in our wonderful family home in 2020 near our immediate family members. 

Bradley is a senior financial controller at a manufacturing plant and aspires to become a company wide leader someday. He is a hard-worker and cares for our family incredibly well. He far exceeds any hopes and prayers Alexa had for a father for her children and is the definition of a hands-on, loving father. Alexa spent the last 8 years of her career as a consultant for a large company focusing on supporting state governments to navigate health and human services challenges like child protection, health and safety and educational advancement. She recently left her full-time position to spend more time with her family in her dream role as a “stay at home mama”. Alexa keeps the home running and loves our children whole-heartedly. Alexa is excited to be embarking on a homeschool journey while also keeping the kids active in social activities including sports (currently soccer and dance), music and educational classes and cooperatives. 

To view Bradley and Alexa’s book click here!

Adalynn was born in March 2020, she is creative, full of energy and absolutely loves people. Her favorite thing to do is make friends, sing and give hugs. She is so excited to become a big sister all over again! Emelia was born in 2022 and is just starting to show us her goofy personality. She loves to eat anything and everything and she looks up to her big sister in every way. We absolutely love being parents and embrace all of the craziness that comes our way day to day!

We try not to take life too seriously and frequently “laugh in the chaos”. For fun, we take trips to the park, aquariums, the mall and travel to spend precious quality time with our extended families. We are active members in our local church and have a community of spiritual family with like-minded couples and their many children. It’s always fun when we get together!

To view their video click here!

We put our faith in our Savior and we know that His divine plan has led you here, reading this message today. We are in awe of your strength and forever grateful that you are choosing this path. We sincerely thank you for considering us and we cannot wait to meet you and the beautiful blessing you will be bringing into this world.

With love, 

Bradley, Alexa, Adalynn and Emelia 

Dear Birthmother,

Ever since was a little girl I have always hoped that one day I would be blessed to adopt because that is also my story, I was adopted at birth. Growing up I had many questions about my birth family and the circumstances around it and I admire my parents so much for meeting every question and curiosity with love, support, and affirming I was truly loved by both my birthmother and my parents. Growing up I never went a day without love, affection, and support and that is exactly what I hope to give to a child one day.

For work-I run a very successful catering company with my family that allows me to mostly work from home with lots of flexibility. I have been in my field for almost 20 years and plan to until retirement. While I may be single, I have a very large and supportive family that is excited for me and the possibility of becoming a mother. Adoption has always been on my heart and the last few years I felt God was calling me to start the process to adopt and so I have been preparing my heart and home for that day.

 To view Ambers photo book click here!

For fun-I love spending time outdoors in nature, walking with my dogs, or cooking. Growing up I was fortunate to learn a lot of fun activities between my dads love for outdoors, fishing, camping, and my mothers love for art, theater, and gardening. I love reading, going to the movies, local events, and enjoy spending time with my family and close friends. I love holidays and growing up my mother made each one so special and I cant wait to carry that tradition on. I was raised in church and still attend and serve locally. My faith has only deepened the older I get and I was very fortunate to be raised in a Church that was all about love and the grace of God.

I am also deeply passionate about giving back to my community and sharing my knowledge and consulting with other women about starting their own businesses and helping them with the tools they need to become independent, self sufficient, and successful.

I can not imagine what you are going through and the decisions ahead but know that are you not alone, that myself and others are praying for you and that God works all things together for good.

Lastly, know that if you do make the decision to place your child with me, that they will receive unconditional love and support from me, my family, and friends. They will be protected and provided for, prayed for, they will be raised to know God and His love, they will have every opportunity that I can provide for them and a life full of love.

With love,


Pending and on hold

Hello! We are Elizabeth & Casey and we have lots of love to give! Unable to conceive naturally, we have been looking forward to adoption for many years. In the past few years, we have built our lives around preparing an environment for our family to grow in. One that fosters love, spirituality, ideas, activities, travel, and creativity by finding excellent schools, the ideal family neighborhood, flexible jobs and building a home to accommodate an active family. We have also surrounded ourselves with a solid support system of family and friends. The child that we hope to be blessed with, will be nurtured, loved and cared for unconditionally. 

To view Casey and Elizabeth’s book click here!

Our marriage is based on friendship, growing and learning together, with Christ at the center of it all! We love laughing, hiking, traveling, music, dance, spending time with family and friends, and working on creative projects like building furniture, making art and cooking. We enjoy attending all of our neighborhood’s social gatherings and school events. Whatever we are doing, one can usually find us together. We love each other and place a strong value on supporting one another’s ambitions, dreams and creative ideas. We are so excited at the hope to grow our family and share all that we have been blessed with.  

Click here to watch Casey and Elizabeth’s Video

It is with gratitude and respect that we write this letter and we are incredibly humbled to be considered. Our prayers are with you, and the family and friends that love and support you. We have much admiration for you, and the bravery it takes to consider giving the gift of life and providing the gift of parenthood. We pray for your peace, strength and clarity as you pour over family profiles and make the best choice for you and your child.

Thank you for taking the time and energy to learn more about us! 

Hey there, we’re Tim and Christian! We are so grateful that you’re considering us as adoptive parents for your precious baby. We know this isn’t an easy decision. Your courage & love are evident as you consider how to give your baby the best life possible.

We’ve been married for overfive years now & look forward to becoming parents!We got married a little later in life than most of our peers…in our late 30’s–early 40’s.

Our desire to adopt began long before we met. Growing up in two different states & having separate experiences with kids/friends in foster or adoption situations, we both knew as young people that we wanted our homes to be a safe haven for children. Separately, we each prayed that we’d marry someone with a heart & desire for adoption.  And thankfully, as marriage brought us together, the adoption conversation continued.

To watch a video about Tim and Christian click here!

We thought we’d adopt once we had children naturally, but after taking time to grieve a couple of unsuccessful pregnancies, our idea to adopt moved to the forefront.

Asa young person, Tim’s parents opened their hearts & the doors of their small home, already filled with eight kiddos of their own, to foster several children off & on. This set an example for Tim of Christ’s love & what a family can look like beyond biological connections.

As a young adult, Christian volunteered with her local Court to hear & review the cases of children in custody of the state & then offer recommendations to the judge to determine if the children should be reunited with their families. This experience revealed to Christian just how significant it is to have safe, loving people willing & available to open their arms & homes to children in need.

We live in a 3 bedroom, 2 ½ bath home in North Texas, nestled in a quiet cul–de–sac. This space is ideal for welcoming a little one & hosting a family member at the same time! In fact, we’ve already changed one of the rooms into a nursery. Tim works from home, as he runs his own video production company & is an amazing cook! We both have guilty pleasure tv shows! For Christian, that show, without a doubt, is Golden Girls! And you can catch Tim with Law & Order (the Flagship series, not SVU, LOL!) playing in the background while working at his laptop.

Please know that any children in our home will receive unconditional love from us and our family. We will nurture, encourage & raise your child to grow up to be the best person that he or she can be. We promise to provide an atmosphere in which God is at the center of all that we do & who we are.

We promise to respect & honor you as the woman who sacrificed her own desires to bring a special little blessing into the world. We will make certain our child knows of you, your strength & your sacrifice.

Praying for you regularly,

Tim & Christian

To an Amazing Woman,

We are Jennifer and Patrick, and we’re so excited you are considering us to be the adoptive parents of your baby. We know this must be the most difficult decision you have ever been faced with, and we cannot imagine what you must be feeling. We are so impressed with our courage and strength. Making an adoption plan for your baby is the most selfless act you can ever do, and it is an amazing testament for the type of wonderful woman you must be and the love you must have for your unborn child.

When it comes to our marriage, we are truly each other’s best friend. We met over thirteen years ago at work in Michigan and have been married for seven years. We have an amazing support system, loving families and we have each other. Our marriage is built on mutual love, respect, and trust.

Family is very important to us and we knew we wanted one of our very own after we got married. We were blessed to have our daughter Bailey in 2017 and wanted to grow our family. We know there is more room in our hearts for another child and we are excited for the day we can grow our family through adoption. We cannot wait to welcome another child into our family.

To learn more about Jennifer and Patrick click here

Patrick is a supply chain leader at a manufacturing company and Jennifer works in executive communications for a tech company. Both of their companies offer flexible hybrid working hours and they work from home on average 2-3 days per week.

Our family enjoys spending time in our local community visiting parks, libraries, museums and the theater. Bailey is super social and enjoys dancing, art and playing with her friends from school and our neighborhood. We also love sports, especially college football and enjoy spending each fall cheering on our favorite teams. We also love to travel and take frequent trips across the country.  As members of our church we are very involved in the children’s ministry and Jennifer is an active member of the Women’s Guild, a ministry that raises funds for student scholarships and provides services for those in need.

We promise to always love and honor your baby and always show unconditional love. We will give your child a loving Christian home that teaches them to be kind, to cherish family and to have the confidence to achieve their dreams. We will give them the best education possible, will laugh with them, cry with them and be their #1 fan. We will set an example of a happily married couple who are kind, supportive, and loving and respectful of each other.

Sincerely, Patrick and Jennifer

Dear Birthmother,

We think it is wonderful that you are choosing adoption for your precious little one.  While we don’t know your situation, we know you are making a sacrifice to give your child the best life possible.  We are praying for our Lord to comfort you as you travel this journey and for him to reassure you every step of the way.  We cannot imagine all the feelings and thoughts you are going through and pray for peace and calm during and after your pregnancy.  We appreciate you taking the time to read about us and feel honored should you consider us as adoptive parents.

We both grew up in small towns in West Texas and met during college in 2005.  We got married our last semester of college and have now been married over 15 years.  We moved to the DFW area in 2015 so Justin could complete his Masters at a seminary.  It was a leap of faith that changed the trajectory of our lives.  We had thought about moving back to West Texas after his graduation, but Justin was offered a pastoral position at our church that was a perfect match for his skills and temperament.  He has worked for 8 years at the church in various roles.  Currently, he oversees small groups, Bible studies, and all classes offered to church members.  He is a great listener and cares deeply about people.  Meeting with people and hearing how God is working in their lives brings him so much joy.  

To learn more about Justin and Rebecca click here to see their Photo Book!

Becca currently works as a billing analyst for a company that specializes in intralogistics solutions.  She also spends a good chunk of time serving with Justin at our church.  She supports Justin as a pastor and as we lead a small group together.  Becca also serves on the worship team and leads a small group of middle school girls on Sunday evenings.  

We are opposites in many ways, but we both love spending time together.  Some of our favorite things to do are visit local coffee shops, try new restaurants, explore areas of our city we haven’t been before, go for walks, create art projects, and spend time with friends and family.  We enjoy being married, but we have felt for many years that our family is not complete.  We do not have any living children; one was lost to miscarriage and another to a kidney disease our son developed in utero.  While we are not able to have biological children of our own, we feel called to adopt.  We love the image that adoption represents of God adopting us as his own children.  Becca’s sister and brother-in-law recently adopted a son and our family has been overjoyed by the addition to the family.  We love the idea of him having a cousin who has that in common and hope that it will create a strong bond between them.  We will love and cherish any child placed in our home and look forward to creating wonderful memories as a family.  


Justin and Becca

Dear Expecting Momma,

We are Blair and Courtney, and we are so thankful for the opportunity to be considered for your baby’s adoptive family. We understand that this is a very hard but extremely brave and selfless decision and would like to let you know that we have been praying for you and your baby for some time now. We would love for you to get to know us, we live in a small country town just outside of Fort Woth with our dogs, cats and longhorns. We have been together for almost five years and have been married for three. Before we got married, we always had adoption in our hearts as something we would like to do someday, after getting married we realized quickly that conceiving a child of our own would be difficult. This made our decision clearer, and we realized that God put adoption in our hearts for a reason all along.

To learn more about Blair and Courtney click here!

 Blair is silly, loving, and is a very hard worker. He is a senior manager of talent acquisition in the financial service industry. He enjoys watching and playing sports, spending time with family and friends, and being outdoors. He would make the perfect dad because of his fun-loving personality, drive to provide and he already has the dad jokes and dad dance moves down!

To watch Blair and Courtney’s video – click here!

Courtney is sweet, caring, and charismatic. She is a hairdresser who uses her artistic talent to make her clients feel and look beautiful. She enjoys Live music, crafting, gardening and spending time with family and friends. She would make an amazing mom because of her positivity and nurturing disposition.

Together our goal is to build a strong rooted family centered around Jesus and love. We are excited to one day teach our future child about respect, hard work, and kindness and to raise an amazing young man or woman. We look forward to getting to know you and to answer any questions you may have, God Bless.

Hello!  We are Randy, Jessica and Finn and we would like to thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little better.  We know that you are making an incredibly difficult decision, and we respect you so much for wanting to give your child the best possible life.  We pray that God will help guide you through this journey, to help you make the best decision for you and your child, and to give you peace in your decision.

We were over the moon to become parents to our son Finn through the beautiful gift of adoption in 2018.  He has been such a blessing to our family, and we are excited to grow our family through adoption once again.

To see Randy and Jessica’s photo book click here!

Jessica works for an airline and has the flexibility to work from home a couple days a week.  Randy is a stay-at-home parent and has loved the opportunity to be home with Finn while he is young.  Finn is in Pre-K and is looking forward to starting Kindergarten later this year!  He has such a sweet, fun, and friendly personality.  He loves people and has truly never met a stranger!

As a family we love to travel when we have the opportunity.  We also love being outdoors and going on adventures even if it is just to our local park or splash pad.  We also love to play games and we frequently have family dance parties in the living room to Disney music or other Kids radio.  

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us.  We would love the opportunity to get to know you through this process.  We are praying for you, and we wish you the best in whatever choice you make.

Randy and Jessica

Dear Birthmother,

We are grateful for this opportunity to introduce ourselves and tell you about our family. We are Chase and Sarah. We always knew we wanted our own family as both of our families have been extremely important in our lives, but due to infertility we are unable to have children of our own. We recognize the choice you are making is one of the most difficult decisions that will be faced in your lifetime. Entrusting your child to be raised by someone else requires incredible bravery, strength, honesty and most of all, love for your child. We feel extremely honored to be considered as adoptive parents. 

To watch Chase and Sarah’s video click here!

We have been married for 7 years. We both grew up in a small town in Texas and attended the same church and school. We met in middle school and became best friends before we started dating in high school. We were married once we graduated college. Chase loves any sports and hunting and fishing. Sarah loves crafting and cooking (her cheesecakes were one of the reasons we started dating). Together we spend a lot of time with each of our families, they live 5 minutes apart from each other. We love to work out together and are very active. We travel the world, Chase’s family traveled when he was younger, and this is something we will continue to do as a family. When we are not traveling, we love to spend time with our dog, Maverick, who loves to play frisbee. We attend our local church regularly and have a very close relationship with the other couples in our community group and gym group who are all in similar life stages. 

To view Chase and Sarah’s book click here!

Sarah graduated from SFA with her master’s in accounting. She is currently working as a senior accountant for an Oil and Gas firm. Chase graduated from Texas A&M with an engineering degree and is currently working in logistics and warehousing with a large retail company. Chase’s job is very flexible, and he works remotely 3-5 days a week. 

Our promise is to provide a safe, God centered home for our family. We will love, be devoted, nurture, and cherish time with any child we are blessed to raise. We trust God has good plans beyond what we could imagine for our future family.

Please know you are wholly and wonderfully loved by us and our Lord and Savior!


Chase and Sarah

Dear Birthmother,

You and your precious baby have been in our thoughts and prayers, so if you are reading this, please know that we have been praying for God’s peace and guidance over you and your decision. From the very beginning of this journey, God has continued to direct our paths, and we can’t wait to meet you and thank you in person for the blessing you are entrusting to us. We have been praying as a family for the health and safety of you and your baby and that when the time is right, you will find us and have complete peace about it. We completely admire and appreciate your bravery, selflessness, and gracious act of love you would being sharing with our family. Not only is this baby a blessing, but she would also be the answer to many prayers. 

Thank you for giving us this opportunity to introduce ourselves and tell you all about our family. We are Cody & Kelly, and we have been together over 20 years. We are best friends, parents, and we both enjoy sharing our faith with others. Our story is a little different than most as we haven’t had the heartbreaking experience of infertility, our journey is a spiritual one. God has blessed us with 5 children of our own and has placed adoption on our hearts and we couldn’t be more excited because we have so much love to give and share. 

Cody was a junior college baseball player and went on to graduate from the University of Houston with a degree in Leadership and Enterprise Studies. He has been in the insurance industry for the past 10 years and now owns and manages his own insurance agency in town. Cody is a natural born leader, hardworking, and full of life and positive energy. He never meets a stranger, tells horrible dad jokes, is witty, and tons of fun. He is a great baseball and softball coach and can cook an awesome brisket and ribs. Cody is passionate about his love for God, and his family.

Kelly also graduated from the University of Houston with a major in Psychology. She taught and was the director of a day care for 12 years and taught 6th grade English and Reading for 5 years. Kelly is now a stay-at-home mom where she enjoys taking care of the home and cooking for the family. She is bold in her faith, prayerful, and compassionate. Kelly is creative and artistic, can cook award winning chili and beans, and is hospitable. She is an animal lover and enjoys working in her flower beds. Kelly is a great friend, mother, and the biggest cheerleader and supporter for her family.

We have five children, Kade 20, Kyler 18, Karter 14, Kinley 10, and Kasen 8. Kade attends Texas A&M University and Kyler will graduate high school in May this year and will soon be joining his brother at college. All our children are smart, kind, and are super excited to welcome another sibling into our family and all have different ideas of what they want to teach her.

We live in a great little town south of Houston, Tx in a country subdivision with lots of kids and great families. We are family oriented, and love spending time with family, cousins, neighbors, and friends. We enjoy celebrating the holidays, hosting get-togethers, and taking family trips. We have 3 dogs, Reecie, Oakley, and Cash, all mini–Australian Shepherds who love to go on walks in the neighborhood. Our children are involved in baseball, softball, and football, so when we aren’t cheering them on at their games, our family enjoys spending time outdoors camping, cooking, fishing, riding bikes, and vacationing. As a family we have a weekly tradition on Wednesdays of having an action-packed Bible study and homemade pizza night which we all look forward to. 

Our promise to you is that we will provide a loving, stable, and Christian environment for your child to thrive in. Our goal as a family is to maintain a loving atmosphere where this child will be developed mentally, emotionally, and spiritually while growing in a caring environment that has her best interest at heart. This child will be loved unconditionally! We respect and value your decision and will continue to pray for strength and peace of mind. 

“For this child we have prayed, and the Lord has granted us the desires of our hearts” 1 Samuel 1:27

Thank you so much for your consideration, you are truly a blessing to our family, may God’s love and peace be with you always.

Cody, Kelly & Family

Dear Birthmom,

We haven’t met you yet, but you and your precious baby have been in our prayers every single day. We know that this journey hasn’t been easy. We want you to know that we are praying for you every step of the way, for peace in your heart, and for God to strengthen you and guide you along the right paths.  We are so thankful for you and honored that you are considering us as adoptive parents.  

Our names are Zoe and Ben and we have been married for three years.  Since getting married we have struggled with infertility.  This experience has definitely been hard for us, but it has brought us closer together and caused us to lean on the Lord in new ways and drawn us closer to Him daily. One of our greatest desires as a couple is to raise a godly family and we believe that God has led us to Texas Christian Adoptions, and specifically, to you. 

We live in Central Texas, near both of our families.  We are very blessed to get to see our parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins very often! We met in 2019 through a mutual friend at trivia night and quickly bonded over our mutual love of all things music and our love for the Lord. We got married in the spring of 2021. Ben is a software engineer and musician, and Zoe is a musician/music teacher and works for a Christian education non-profit. She hopes to be a stay at home mom to raise our family.  We enjoy performing music at wineries and farmer’s markets in our area, both together and individually.

To learn more about Ben and Zoë and see their book click here!

 For fun we love family get-togethers with lots of good food and spending time with our friends.  We are avid backyard gardeners and have a dream of one day growing most of what we eat!  We also love traveling (especially road trips), hiking, learning how to forage, and geocaching. We are active in our church, in our young adult group, and as home group leaders. We started attending our church in 2020 and feel so blessed to worship God and love people where we are.

Ben is a hard worker and is always learning something new, whether it’s a language (Hebrew) or how to grow the perfect bonsai tree!  He is definitely the “funcle” (fun uncle)–our nephews and niece absolutely love spending time with him.  He is extremely loving and protective of his family and will be a wonderful dad. Zoe loves teaching music lessons to elementary and middle school kids and seeing their confidence and skills grow. She is patient, very caring, and a dedicated friend.  She is a very positive influence in the life of her young nephews and will be a great mom someday.

We promise we will show your child how extremely loved they are, both by us and our families, and by you.  We will raise them to know that their worth is in Jesus and that they are children of the Most High God. They will be embraced with all the love in the world by our families and friends.

With love,

Zoe and Ben

Dear Birth Mother, 

We are Jeff and Molly, and we are so grateful that you are considering us as adoptive parents. Although we have not yet met, we want you to know how amazing, strong, courageous and loving we think you are to consider giving another family the gift of loving your child. We are already so thankful for you, and we are praying that God would direct your steps, comfort you and give you peace as you travel this journey. 

We have known each other for ten years and have been married for eight. We are best friends and enjoy spending time together whether we are relaxing at home or off on an adventure. We love being married but we feel like our family is not yet complete. 

Even before marriage we talked about wanting to one day adopt a child. We see adoption as a beautiful picture of how God has included us into His family. This desire that we believe He has placed on our hearts has only grown stronger as time has passed. 

Although we have dealt with the heartbreaking experience of infertility and multiple pregnancy losses on our journey to become parents, it is through this long and trying season that we have grown in conviction of God’s plan for us to adopt. We are so excited to embrace this path toward growing our family. 

Molly is very loving, caring, fun and adventurous. She loves to make others laugh and enjoy life’s moments, both big and small. As an occupational therapist working in a rehabilitation hospital, Molly is passionate about helping people regain their independence to live life to their fullest potential. She has always enjoyed working with and around children as well and even worked as an au pair in Germany taking care of three young children post-college. Kids always gravitate toward her as she loves playing with them and getting down on their level. She is a child at heart and will be the best mom! 

Jeff is the sweetest and funniest man. He is witty, gentle, intelligent and has the kindest heart. Jeff is a manager in the IT department for a large company and is enjoying putting his tech skills to use. He enjoys reading, swimming, fishing, golf, sports and board games.  He is wisdom filled, a strong leader, has a playful spirit and will be an amazing father. 

Thank you for reading up to this point and taking the time to learn a little bit about us and why we are choosing the path of adoption. If chosen as your match, we want you to be assured of a few things: 

We promise to love your child, to nurture them, to provide them with a safe home and a loving family. We promise to cherish every moment, celebrate every milestone and support them in every way that we can. We know as parents we won’t always get it right 100% of the time, but we promise to always do our very best to ensure that this child knows just how special and loved they are. We will tell them often about you; their incredible birth mother who chose the most selfless and loving act in order to show your great love for them. We will also raise them to know just how much God loves them and along with helping them grow physically, emotionally, socially, and cognitively, we will do our very best to guide them in their spiritual growth. They will be cherished not only by us, but also by our family and friends near and far, who are eagerly anticipating their arrival and excited to welcome them into our family. 

We can only imagine the challenging and overwhelming task you find yourself navigating right now as you begin to choose who will parent your precious child. Please know that we are continuously praying for you as you make this most important decision and if any of what we have written in this letter has resonated with you, we’d love to continue this conversation with you. 

In His Love, 

Jeff and Molly 

Dear Birth Mom,

My name is Veronica. Thank you so much for considering me as an adoptive parent for your baby.  I cannot begin to imagine the circumstances that have led you to this place, but please know I am praying for you to give me a chance to know me.  

I was born in Florida and raised in Venezuela. I am fluent in English and Spanish.  I love going to the gym, outdoors, running, watching sports or going to games and concerts, traveling, and enjoying time with family and friends.   After many years of trying fertility treatments, which all failed, I felt God was preparing me to move forward with adoption.

To watch Veronica’s video click here!

After much prayer, God led me to you. My faith and family are essential to me.  My family is very close, and I cannot wait to welcome a child.  I am active in church every Sunday and Wednesday for Bible Study. I promise to teach the importance of having a relationship with Him.

To view Veronica’s photo book click here!

 I will be eternally grateful to you for letting me be a mother to your child. I am filled with eagerness and anticipation to welcome a child into my home and look forward to the journey ahead. This profile will give you some insight into my life and the type of life I can offer a child.

Thank you again,


Dear Birth Mother,

We are Kevin and Dawn and are excited to share our story with you. We have a beautiful 2-year-old daughter named Elaina, and we are eager to expand our family and welcome another child into our hearts and home.

A little about us: Kevin works in healthcare risk and emergency management. Dawn is a dedicated stay-at-home mom who lovingly cares for Elaina and creates a nurturing home environment. Until Elaina was born, she was an elementary school teacher.  Leaving teaching was a hard decision, but the right one for our daughter. Our days are filled with laughter, learning, and love as we cherish every moment with our little girl.

Our home is warm and inviting, situated in a friendly neighborhood where we enjoy gardening and playing outside.  We love family activities like swimming, playing in the park, and cozy movie nights at home. Kevin is also passionate about cars, especially Mustangs, and enjoys working on them and attending car shows. It’s a hobby that brings him joy and is something we hope to share with our children.

To learn more about Kevin and Dawn, click here to watch their video!

Adoption has always been a cherished dream of ours, and we feel a deep calling to grow our family through this journey. We have had infertility issues and can no longer grow our family in any other way other than through adoption. We believe in nurturing a child’s individuality and fostering a home filled with love, respect, and encouragement. Our goal is to provide a supportive environment where our children can thrive and explore their passions.

We are grateful for the opportunity to share our lives with you and hope to build a relationship that brings peace and confidence as you make this important decision. We are committed to creating an open and honest relationship with you and ensuring that your child grows up knowing their story and the love surrounding them.

Thank you for considering us as you make this heartfelt decision. We look forward to the possibility of growing our family and sharing our love with another special child.

With warm regards,

Kevin, Dawn, and Elaina


Dear Birthmother,

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about who we are and considering us as adoptive parents for your sweet baby. We are Angel and Breanna. Even though we have not met yet, we have been consistently praying that the Lord gives you peace, strength and a healthy pregnancy as you embark on this journey. We admire your brave and selfless decision to choose the beautiful gift of adoption. Ultimately, we pray that God gives you an overflowing sense of peace as you navigate this admirable life decision.

Adoption is a beautiful gift and a sweet reminder of how the Lord has adopted us into His family. Even before we met in high school, we felt as if the Lord placed adoption on each of our hearts at a young age which is a testimony of His faithfulness in bringing us together. After struggling with unexplained infertility, we felt God calling us to begin our adoption journey sooner than we had anticipated, but still beautifully crafted in His plan for our lives. We faithfully believe that the Lord placed the desire to adopt on each of our hearts at a young age to prepare us for what was to come.

After we graduated from high school, our paths crossed again several years later while we were attending college. We started dating seriously after we graduated college, fell in love and got married a few years later. We have been married for three years. Angel is selfless and hardworking. He loves to cook, workout and play video games whenever he has free time. He works remotely from home in a customer service role. Breanna is caring and kind. She loves to organize and decorate our house, read books and exercise. She has been a devoted teacher for seven years, and currently teaches special education Pre-K. She adores her students just as if they were her own children which helps temporarily fill the desire in her heart to raise a child one day.

We love to spend time with our family, friends, mini golden-doodle named Teddy and immerse ourselves in our faith community. We regularly attend a local church. Breanna uses her gift of working with children by serving in the children’s ministry while Angel uses his gift of intentionality by serving as a greeter. We are grateful God has provided us with a community of believers to walk through the triumphs and trials of life with.

Our biggest promise to you is that we will provide your child with a loving and safe environment where they never doubt how loved they are by us and most importantly their Heavenly Father. We are praying for you as you finalize your decision and pray that you have peace in knowing that God will provide you with clarification on which family your precious baby should be matched with.


Angel and Breanna

Dear Birthmother,

We know that you’re facing a very important decision and it’s truly an honor that you are considering us to be the ones who could welcome and care for your baby. We pray that God blesses you in this process and enlightens you to find a family that meets all the expectations of your heart. We really appreciate that you are taking this step because it’s a very generous and loving act, especially for couples like us who cannot have biological children and to whom you would be giving a beautiful and precious gift.

Our names are Fausto (42yo) and Adriana (43yo). We both come from Hispanic roots, and family values are very important to us. We are fortunate to have a close knit family, supportive parents that recently celebrated 45 years of marriage, and we know that in their own way, they did the best they could to educate us and give us everything, and that is what we would also like to achieve as parents.

To see Fausto and Adriana’s video click here!

Fausto works in the transportation business, he is a man with a noble heart who genuinely understands that all people are valuable and deserve respect. Everyone who knows him describes him as a patient, intelligent, disciplined and calm person. He is a hard worker, but he also enjoys playing soccer or video games with his nephews or relaxing listening to music.

Adriana is a warm and loving person. She is passionate about music, loves to sing and is always looking for ways to help people. Adriana is an Administrative professional. She is meticulous with her work and a great colleague, always willing to go above and beyond for people that rely on her. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, playing with her nephews, walks in the park, traveling and thinking about ways to make our home as nice and cozy as possible.

We have prepared ourselves to be able to provide our future child with more emotional, spiritual and economic stability than we were able to receive as children. We understand that a child needs love, attention, nurturing, rules, safety, and all those experiences that will make them feel happy and part of a home where God is at the center of all our decisions. We look forward to meeting you, but in the meantime, we send you love and blessings from the bottom of our hearts.

With love, Fausto and Adriana


To a Very Special Person,

Kevin and I always talk about the turns in life that it took for us to finally understand the ‘why’. While we cannot fully comprehend the decision you now face, please know that we fully trust God’s plan in all our lives.

Kevin and I both grew up in Texas and our families are all in the Houston area. We met through Facebook dating of all places and knew that things were meant to be nearly from day one.

We got married in an intimate ceremony at my (Laura) childhood church. The ceremony and reception were not expensive nor extravagantly planned, but our greatest memory is the love of our family and friends we all felt so deeply. When we got married, we were now a family of three as I (Laura) have a thoughtful, creative, and sometimes headstrong twelve-year-old daughter from when I was just a teenager myself. Her name is Ava. For Kevin and me both, the gift of family and marriage is one that in our past we questioned would ever be in the cards for us. What we have discovered from this path that led us to each other and the many challenges that may lie ahead is that God’s plan endures.

Laura works as a Data Specialist but will be staying home full time to tend to the many responsibilities a newborn will bring. She enjoys going to the community market days with the family, enjoying fellowship with her monthly softball league, and trying out her culinary skills with a new recipe for the family dinner table. She has full experience of the ‘pre-teen’ years from checking homework to planning for the seventh-grade dances. Most importantly her mission is to be a demonstration of endless love and enduring faith to Ava and a new blessing to come.

Kevin works in the Oil and Gas Industry and enjoys ‘dad’ jokes with Ava at the dinner table, flying his airplane as he completes his commercial training, and trying to be the third member on the family volleyball ‘bump’ practice in the driveway. He also loves to babysit his two toddler/infant nieces with great care and love from reading bedtime stories to making sure that the formula is ready to go!

We live in a beautiful tight knit community. Our home is inviting and always full of laughter and joy. Our immediate family is hopeful for this opportunity. Ava especially is excited to be the best big sister! She is involved in school sports, Varsity Choir, and loves playing with her toddler cousins. 

While we could write pages on the many life experiences that have brought us to this point ourselves; the assurance we hope you find in these paragraphs is one of unconditional love and a stable environment to thrive. Throughout our relationship and marriage, our faith has continued to deepen as true active participants in our Church community. It is a blessing to watch Ava flourish in her activities and we pray for the day we are able to bring a second child into our loving home. 

With every turn of life and faith, we hope that this decision you bravely make will prove to be your ‘why’ in the here and now and bless this new opportunity for your precious baby.

With our love,

Kevin, Laura, and Ava