An adoption plan outlines the birth parent(s)’ goals and preferences for the adoption process and determines the level of desired communication with the adoptive family and child.

As potential adoptive parents, it’s essential to consider what type of adoption you are open to. Identifying the contact level and relationship you can assume is critical before moving forward.

For example, birth parents must know you are committed to maintaining regular contact before choosing open adoption. Consider what you can agree to and outline these details in the photo book and/or with our Counselors.

what Adoption Plans Are Available?

Several plans offer varying degrees of confidentiality and contact. At Texas Christian Adoptions, adoptions are done individually to meet the birth parents’ and adoptive parents’ needs.

Understanding potential choices can help you be more sensitive to their needs and learn what commitments you can reasonably uphold before a match occurs.

1. Open adoption

Many adoption plans in the United States are open. You are responsible for regularly communicating with each other through letters, visits, and more.

Your child’s birth parent(s) will likely want a relationship with them and be a consistent part of their life. However, open adoption agreements are not legally binding in Texas, though courts may enforce them if deemed in the child’s best interest.

You can consult Texas’ laws and regulations for more information or ask us for clarification.

2. Semi-Open Adoption

A semi-open adoption allows for contact between you and the birth parent(s). However, you will communicate through a mediator, such as an adoption attorney or agency.

You and the birth parent(s) may exchange limited information like first names.

Pictures and updates are provided for 18 years. In-person meetings are also an option if it has not been concluded that the adoptee would be affected negatively.

3. Closed Adoption

Birth parent(s) may require a closed adoption if they want confidentiality. They may have safety concerns or not want interaction.

If you and the birth parent(s) are a match and a closed adoption plan exists, all identifying records are sealed. You and your child will not communicate with them.

If a birth parent requests a closed adoption and is matched with you, we still request pictures in case that desire changes.

Understanding the Process

Making sense of the adoption process can feel overwhelming. You might be excited to get started but are unsure what to expect.

That’s where Texas Christian Adoptions comes in. We walk alongside all adoptive families and birth parents to create the best outcome.

Make an appointment with our team or call 817-491-2367 to get started.